River and Water Education Programme for Prince of Wales Island International School (POWIIS) – Taman Jajar, Sungai Ara, 10th September 2024

At the Taman Jajar, Sungai Ara on September 10, 2024, Prince of Wales Island International School (POWIIS) participated in a river and water education event that was successfully planned by Water Watch Penang (WWP).

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River and Water Education Programme for Penang Buddhist Association (PBA) Dharma Sunday School – 8th September, Penang Botanical Garden.

On the 8th of September 2024, a programme on River and Water Education for the students of PBA Dharma Sunday School was conducted at the Penang Botanical Gardens. A total of 20 students and 6 teachers participated in this programme, which ran from 8:45 am to 12:00 pm. Mr. Yee Jean Chai, the WWP’s Lead Facilitator of the day, initiated the session by outlining the organization’s goals and the programme’s objectives. Subsequently, he provided an introduction to Penang’s water supply status and the functions of rivers.

The students were then guided in assessing the river water quality by the Lead Facilitator. Mr. Aiman, Ms. Fatin Azahara, Ms. Nur Atiqah and and Ms. Tew Yi Lin. were the facilitator assisted by Ms. Khor Ci Shan, Ms. Fatin Amira, and Ms. Nurul Husna, a trio of interns. A physical assessment took place later in the session, where students were guided, using instruments to measure temperature, turbidity, and river velocity, among other physical characteristics of the river water. After that, the students measured the pH, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, and dissolved oxygen (DO) levels of the river water using water quality testing kits. We got a short break after finished the chemical assessment.

Following the break, the facilitators led the biological assessment session. The students practiced catching macroinvertebrates that are typically found in clearer river water, such as flattened mayfly nymphs, dragonfly nymphs, caddisfly larvae, and stonefly nymphs. At the end of the programme, Mr. Yee Jean Chai explained the process of obtaining data from the river’s macroinvertebrates, which are important indicators for evaluating water quality.
For more information, please contact WWP Executive Manager, Dr. Hong Chern Wern, at hong.wwp@gmail.com or contact WWP at +6019-5751253.

South Island Garment Sdn. Bhd. CSR Program with Water Watch Penang at Penang Botanical Garden – 24th August 2024

On the 24th of August 2024, Water Watch Penang (WWP) conducted a river education program in collaboration with South Island Garment Sdn Bhd (SIG) as part of their CSR initiative. This is the third CSR collaboration with WWP in since the year 2022. A group of 50 individuals from SIG, which included employees and their respective family members participated in this CSR programme.

Dr. Hong Chern Wern, the Executive Manager of WWP, gave an introduction to the program at the beginning, outlining the organization’s goals and the predicament of Penang’s water resources. Dr. Hong Chern Wern then went on to discuss Penang’s present water supply challenges specifically addressed the issue of a low water rate as well as Penangites’ high water use habits. He also thanked SIG for the CSR contribution that made water education initiatives possible in Penang. A mock cheque presentation was given to WWP by SIG representative, followed by presentation of Certificate of Appreciation to SIG.

Next, the programme moved on to the physical and chemical evaluation of the river water, supervised by WWP’s staff members (Ms. Nur Atiqah, Ms. Fatin Azahara), along with trained facilitators, Ms. Puteri, Mr. Yee Jean Chai, Mr. Aiman, and supported by interns, Ms. Nurul Husna, Ms. Khor Ci Shan, Ms. Nurul Fatin, as well as RASMA volunteers (Ms. Dahrya and Ms. Yao Jo Von).

The participants were provided with equipment to assess the river water quality by examining its physical properties and chemical characteristics. Following a short break, the program advanced to the biological assessment, during which participants collected macroinvertebrates from the river to serve as crucial indicators of the water’s quality.

Each of the facilitators received souvenirs in a bag and breakfast meal from the South Island Garment Sdn Bhd. Water Watch Penang expresses gratitude to South Island Garment Sdn Bhd for their CSR donation, which supports the educational initiatives of Water Watch Penang.
Water Watch Penang would like to express its gratitude for the CSR collaboration in the year 2024. WWP hope to extend this partnership in the year 2025, in which a similar but different programme will take place. For additional information on organizing CSR-related programs, please reach out to Dr. Hong Chern Wern, the Executive Manager, at hong.wwp@gmail.com.

“Negalitres for School” River and Water Education Program at SK Padang Tembak – 5th September 2024

The “Negalitres for Schools” River and Water Education Program was successfully held on 5 September 2024 at SK Padang Tembak, organized by Water Watch Penang (WWP). The event ran from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and involved around 40 Standard 6 students and 3 teachers. The program aimed to increase students’ understanding of global water issues and the importance of conserving water. Presenters for this program included three trained facilitator cum interns — Ms. Fatin Amira, Ms. Husna, and Ms. Khor Ci Shan—along with two WWP Education Officers, Ms. Atiqah and Ms. Fatin Azahara.

Ms. Khor Ci Shan gave a brief introduction to the program, including the goals and completed projects of WWP. Through her interactions with the children, she provided insightful knowledge about the causes of global water crises and their impacts on humans.

Next, Ms. Fatin Amira continued the presentation by explaining the regional and local water crises to the students. They also learned that Penangites use the most water of any state in Malaysia, as the low cost of water in the area encourages water wastage.

Following that, Ms. Husna explained the biological, chemical, and physical aspects of evaluating water quality, as well as the roles that rivers play in society. To help them better understand their daily water consumption, students were taught how to calculate water bills.

They also learned how to properly use water-saving taps and were introduced to various water-saving strategies and gadgets. Participants took part in quizzes, and those who answered correctly were rewarded with books or water bottles from WWP.

‘Negalitres for Schools,’ launched on 22 March 2022, was coordinated by WWP in partnership with Intel Corporation, CLEAN International, and in collaboration with Seberang Perai City Council (MBSP) and PBAPP. This project is fully funded by CLEAN International Inc. and Intel Corporation and is also supported by the Ministry of Environment and Water and the Penang State Education Department. The local partners involved are the Penang State Government through the Penang Green Council, PBAPP, and the Green Educators Workgroup (GREW).

WWP extends its gratitude to SK Padang Tembak for collaborating with WWP on this educational event. For further inquiries, please contact WWP’s Executive Manager, Dr. Hong Chern Wern, at hong.wwp@gmail.com, or reach out to WWP directly at +6019-5751253.

Negalitres for School – River and Water Education Program at SK Sungai Korok – 3th September 2024

Water Watch Penang (WWP) organized the “Negalitres for Schools” River and Water Education Program on September 3, 2024, at SK Sungai Korok, which is one of the 100 participating schools. The event ran from 10 AM to 12 PM and participated by four teachers along with approximately 200 students from Standard 5 and 6.

The program was led by WWP Education Officers Ms. Fatin Azahara and Ms. Nur Atiqah, supported by their interns, Ms. Nurul Fatin Amira, Ms. Khor Ci Shan, and Ms. Nurul Husna. The main goal was to promote responsible water usage and raise awareness about water-related issues at both local and global levels. Ms. Atiqah shared WWP’s objectives and discussed various water challenges, emphasizing that Penang has high water consumption rates despite having the lowest tariffs in Malaysia. The students were informed about global water scarcity, particularly the difficulties faced by less fortunate African countries in accessing clean water.

Ms. Fatin explained how to assess river water quality and the significance of macroinvertebrates as indicators of ecosystem health. Students also calculated their daily water usage based on their water bills to become more aware of their consumption patterns. Additionally, she introduced various water-saving technologies and provided practical tips for conserving water at home. The session concluded with quizzes administered by the interns, rewarding students who answered correctly with notebooks from WWP.