Two water education programs for participating schools in the Rainwater Harvesting Project in Kelantan took place on the 20th and 21st of August 2024 at SK Seneng and SMK Teratak Pulai, respectively. A total of 32 students from SK Seneng and 25 students and one teacher from SMK Teratak Pulai participated in this one-hour program.
22 July 2022: As Water Watch Penang (WWP) has prior experience in promoting Rainwater Harvesting technology and its development, Penang Green Council (PGC) invited WWP to give an educational talk about the installation of a Rainwater Harvesting system as a supplementary water resource in tandem with Green Innovation Competition organized at Sentral College, Penang.
More than 40 students and lecturers from Sentral College participated in the talk, including the Principal, Dr. Chiang Geok Lian, and the Project Officer from PGC, who invited WWP for the talk, Mr. Ahmad Uzeir Ahmad Murshid. In addition, Yang Berhormat (YB) Phee Boon Poh attended the event as a special guest. Dr. Hong Chern Wern, the Executive Manager of WWP, gave a talk that exposed the participants to the benefits of Rainwater Harvesting, along with his intern, Mr. Hanson Yeoh.