Consider This: Water Management (Part 1) – Crux of Kedah-Penang Dispute
The dispute over water resources between Kedah and Penang took a curious turn when in December last year, the K.edah Menteri Besar said he would get villagers to put sandbags to dam Sungai Muda and divert the river so that it no longer flowed into Penang.Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor’s has since also threatened to send muddy water to Penang.What is the heart of the dispute? Melisa Idris and Sharaad Kuttan speak to Professor Dr Chan Ngai Weng, President, Water Watch Penang.
Consider This: Water Management (Part 2) – Who Pays For Sungai Muda?
Should states think about going it alone when developing its own water resources or should it reach for a solution that embraces the idea of shared responsibility? Perhaps in the Kedah-Penang water dispute is there a solution that reframes how we look at environmental issues.Melisa Idris and Sharaad Kuttan speak to S. Piarapakaran, President of the Association of Water and Energy Research Malaysia.
Consider This: Water Management (Part 3) – State or Federal Responsibility?
Most headlines have cast the Kedah position in a negative light. But is the argument made by the Kedah MB unreasonable? And who could we look at the relationship between Johor and Singapore in managing water resources? Melisa Idris and Sharaad Kuttan speak to Professor Dr Maketab Mohamed, Water Quality & Water Quality Modelling Exper