Prepared by Dr Ng Si Ling
Between June and December 2024, five storytelling sessions were held at kindergartens, welfare homes, and primary schools, reaching approximately 190 children aged 5 to 15 and 22 teachers. The primary goal of the program was to raise awareness about water conservation and the vital role water plays in daily life. Children were introduced to various water-related topics through interactive storytelling, engaging them in discussions about the sources of freshwater, the importance of water, and the need to conserve it for future generations.
The program featured a range of activities, including storytelling, art, craft projects, and practical tips on water conservation. Through these activities, the children learned how water is essential for various aspects of life, such as agriculture, industry, and personal use. They were also taught simple yet effective ways to save water in their daily routines, helping them understand how small actions can have a big impact on preserving this precious resource. The hands-on activities allowed the children to creatively express their newfound knowledge while reinforcing the lessons.
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