Five Water Education and Awareness Programme in Schools in Bachok District, Kelantan – 8th to 12th September 2024

From September 8 to 12, 2024, the Water Watch Penang successfully organized five Water Education and Awareness Programs at five schools in the Bachok District, Kelantan. These schools are participants in the Rainwater Harvesting System Project in the state.

The primary objective of these educational sessions was to raise students’ awareness of global, national, and state-level water issues, as well as the benefits of using rainwater as a clean secondary water source for daily use. During the program, the Water Watch Penang team demonstrated the operation of the installed rainwater harvesting systems at the schools and introduced the UV system that supplies clean, drinkable water.

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Water Education Programme for Participating Schools of The Rainwater Harvesting Project in Kelantan – 20th to 21st August 2024, Bachok, Kelantan.

Two water education programs for participating schools in the Rainwater Harvesting Project in Kelantan took place on the 20th and 21st of August 2024 at SK Seneng and SMK Teratak Pulai, respectively. A total of 32 students from SK Seneng and 25 students and one teacher from SMK Teratak Pulai participated in this one-hour program.

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