Water Saving Kits are the best way to save water – China Press

Penang: Plastic bottles in toilets, Thimbles in water hoses, water-saving, and short haircuts can also save water!

Domestic water consumption per capita (per person) in Penang reached a record of 301 litresliters per day, which is much higher than the country’s average per capita water consumption of 230 liters.

In a joint interview with China Press, the President of the Water Watch Penang, Prof. Dr. Chan Ngai Weng, called on the public to save water.

President of the Water Watch Penang, Prof. Dr. Chan Ngai Weng (Source: China Press)
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Online talk Earth Day 2022 by DISTED COLLEGE – 30th April 2022, ZOOM ONLINE

30th April 2022: Disted College has organized a program called Earth Day 2022 via Zoom in which 35 participants took part.

Earth Day is an annual event held on April 22nd 2022 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. This year the theme for Earth Day is Invest in Our Planet. It’s a call to action for all from individuals to governments to industry, to innovate and collaborate for a healthy and prosperous planet.

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World Water Day 2022 Webinar with Dato’ Ir. Jaseni Maidinsa, CEO of PBAPP & PBAHB –ONLINE ZOOM

20 April 2022: World Water Day 2022 Webinar has been conducted with the theme “Will Penang Have Enough Water for the Future” via Zoom.

The main objective of this event was to discuss and provide insights from panellists of various expertise and backgrounds on the current water situation in Penang. The strategies given by all the panelists in this program is very important to ensure that the water supply is always sufficient for Penang’s sustainable development initiatives.

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