Co-sponsored by IAHR, the Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society (CHES), also one of IAHR’s institute members, is organizing an international session during their annual conference on October 20, 2020 that consists of the 3rd Academic Paper (English) Contest for Young Professionals in Water Sector in the morning and academic speeches in the afternoon.
Experts and scholars from five continents across the world will join to share their visions, including IAHR Past President Prof. Peter Goodwin, Former IAHR Council Member Prof. Nor Azazi Zakaria, IAHR-APD President Dr. Gregory Shahane De Costa, President of World Water Council (WWC) Mr. Loïc Fauchon, and other experts.
Our very Water Watch Penang President, Former Vice President of the IWRA and Board Member of REDAC, USM, Prof Dr Chan Ngai Weng is also one of the invited speakers in this annual conference.
For more information about the live streaming, visit the page directly.