Water Watch Penang (WWP) and Xylem SEA successfully collaborated on a CSR program from 28 to 30 August 2024. This marks the second year of collaboration between WWP and Xylem Company in the water and river education program, with two river education sessions at the Penang Botanical Gardens and one session held at a school.

The objective of this CSR programme is to educate and empower students in water conservation, aligning with Xylem’s mission “to provide education and equitable access to safe water and sanitation to support healthy lives and help build resilient communities.”

a) River Education Programme at Penang Botanical Gardens

The river education programme took place on 28 and 30 August 2024 at the Penang Botanical Gardens. The program involved a total of 40 students and 3 teachers from SMK Datuk Haji Mohamed Nor Ahmad on 28 August 2024, and 30 students and 3 teachers from SK Kongsi on 30 August 2024. The sessions ran from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on both days.

The program began with a welcoming address by Dr. Hong Chern Wern, Executive Manager of WWP. He introduced Xylem as the main CSR partner in this programme and provided background information on WWP, including its goals and the ongoing water crisis in Penang, recognized as one of Malaysia’s water-scarce states. Students were then divided into four groups to conduct river water quality assessments under the guidance of trained facilitators, with assistance from WWP staff (Ms. Fatin Azahara and Ms. Nur Atiqah), trained facilitators (Mr. Yee Jean Chai, Mr. Aiman, and Ms. Tew Yi Lin), interns (Ms. Nurul Fatin, Ms. Nurul Husna, and Ms. Khor Ci Shan), and volunteers from RASMA – Roots and Shoots Malaysia (Ms. Dahrya and Ms. Yao Jo Von).

Students began by physically evaluating the temperature, turbidity, and velocity of the river water under the supervision of experienced facilitators. They then measured the pH, dissolved oxygen, and the presence of organic components such as ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, and phosphate in the river water during the chemical assessment section. The main highlight of these days was the high dissolved oxygen measured (an average of 8 mg/L) in the river and the higher river water level, which was a result of heavy downpour the day before the first day of the programme.

The final session involved biological evaluations, where students collected and identified macroinvertebrates that serve as bioindicators to determine the health of the river. Macroinvertebrates such as freshwater shrimps, dragonfly nymphs, and stonefly nymphs were caught. The findings indicated that the water quality was clean enough to support aquatic life.

b) Water Education Programme at SJKT Subramaniya Barathee

On 29 August 2024, the water education program took place at SJKT Subramaniya Barathee. The session involved 44 Standard 6 students and ran from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

The program began with an introductory speech by WWP Executive Manager, Dr. Hong Chern Wern. He provided a brief history of Xylem Company and its initiatives to address water-related issues in urban areas and educational institutions. Additionally, a five-minute film showcasing Xylem’s 2018 initiative to rescue a young Thai football team trapped in a cave was shown to the students.

Dr. Hong then gave a brief overview of Water Watch Penang’s goals, objectives, and annual activities. He initiated the education segment by raising awareness of global water issues and focusing on local challenges in Malaysia and Penang. This lesson aimed to demonstrate to the students the importance of conserving water, particularly in Penang, the state with the highest water consumption in Malaysia.

Next, the students were divided into four groups and tasked with presenting methods for conserving water through both technological and non-technological approaches during group discussions. The students were assisted by facilitators from Water Watch Penang. During the group presentations, their creative ideas—such as developing an app to control water usage and designing water-saving games for children—demonstrated their innovative thinking in water conservation. Group 4 emerged as the winner and received mugs as prizes.

Water Watch Penang expresses its gratitude to Xylem South East Asia for its CSR partnership in Penang for the year 2024. Additionally, WWP would like to thank SK Kongsi, SMK Datuk Haji Mohamed Nor Ahmad, and SJKT Subramaniya Barathee for being part of this CSR programme. WWP looks forward to another set of water education programmes in Selangor this month in September 2024.

For more information, please contact WWP Executive Manager Dr. Hong Chern Wern at hong.wwp@gmail.com or reach out to WWP at +6019-5751253.

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