8 MAY 2023 – A total of 300 mangrove trees were successfully planted during a mangrove tree planting activity organised by the American Chemical Society Universiti Sains Malaysia International Student Chapter (ACS USM) at Pusat Pendidikan Kecil Hutan Paya Laut, Sungai Acheh, Nibong Tebal on 6th May 2023.
According to ACS USM, the event titled ‘Earth Day 2023: The Importance of Mangrove Tree’ was held to raise awareness about environmental preservation and sustainability practices, in conjunction with the Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (CCEW) organised by the American Chemical Society (ACS). The main environmental goal of the event was to preserve the dynamic biological ecosystem in the mangrove forest at Sungai Acheh, Nibong Tebal.
Besides, the event was organised in collaboration with Water Watch Penang (WWP) as the main partner, Penang Inshore Fisherman Welfare Association (PIFWA) and Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM).

The event commenced with a welcoming speech from the project lead, Assoc Prof ChM. Dr Lee Hooi Ling, followed by a briefing from PIFWA president, Mr Ilias Shafie in which he explained the safety guidelines before entering the mangrove forest.
Furthermore, the event included an education session by WWP executive manager Dr Hong Chern Wern in which he presented on the global, national, and local water crisis, as well as the importance of water conservation to the participants. The session also involved a hands-on chemical assessment to analyse the water quality collected at the mangrove forest by measuring the pH, ammonia, phosphate, nitrate, and nitrite.
Moreover, Mr Ilias and a representative from SAM, Mr Azrul Faizal also gave a talk where each of them explained the ecosystem of mangrove forests and its role in ensuring rich biodiversity. The event ended with Dr Lee presenting Dr Hong, Mr Azrul and Mr Ilias with a certificate each as a token of appreciation to WWP, SAM and PIFWA.
For more information, please get in touch with the project lead, Assoc Prof. ChM.Dr Lee Hooi Ling, at hllee@usm.my