30th November 2022: Green Educator’s Workgroup (GREW) teachers, Headmistress Madam Yeoh Guan Lean who was trained in the Training of Trainer’s Programme, and a fellow teacher Ms. Leow Siew Ping from SJKC Shih Chung Cawangan, Cikgu Lee Bee Choo from Han Chiang High School, Headmistress Pn. Liew Siat Jin from SJKC Kampung Jawi has successfully conducted river and water education programmes for their respective schools.
Headmistress Madam Yeoh Guan Lean and Ms. Leow Siew Ping conducted the program on the 3rd of November 2022 involving a total of 84 students from the Nature Lover’s Club. This is the second education session while the first session was conducted by Water Watch Penang on the 25th of August 2022. Next, Cikgu Lee Bee Choo conducted the program on the 17th of November involving a total of 28 students from Green Education (Advocacy Group) while Headmistress Pn. Liew Siat Jin conducted the program on the 29th of November involving a total of 177 students (Standard 1 to Standard 6) and 18 teachers.
The educational programme aimed to improve the next generation’s awareness of water use and conservation as well as their understanding of water-saving practices. The global, national, and local water issues were first reviewed with the pupils during the educational programme, in particular, the current state of the Penang River and the water crises.
With the great outcome of the Training of Trainers, Water Watch Penang hopes to continue this initiative with GREW towards this beneficial partnership for Penang’s environmental education for many years to come.
This initiative is brought to you by CLEAN International, and Intel Corporation, coordinated by WWP and in collaboration with PBAPP and GREW.
For more information, please contact Dr. Hong via email at hong.wwp@gmail.com