4th November 2022: Green Educator’s Workgroup (GREW) teachers, the headmistress of SJKC Yok Eng, Madam Tan Ming Teng and Cikgu Norshila Binti Abdul Mutalib from SK Convent Green Lane, have successfully conducted river and water education programme for their respective schools. Madam Tan Ming Teng conducted the programme on the 7th of November 2022 for the whole school which was a total of 261 students, and 24 teachers, while Cikgu Norshila Binti Abdul Mutalib managed to conduct on the 3rd of November 2022 involving an overall number of 25 students.
The educational programme was aimed to increase the next generation’s understanding of water consumption and conservation as well as their awareness of water-saving practices. The global, national, and local water crises were first discussed with the students during the educational programme, in particular, the current state of the Penang River and the water crises.
Those were the fifth and sixth education sessions by GREW Teachers which also served as the outcome of the Training of Trainers programme by Water Watch Penang.
Water Watch Penang would like to thank GREW again towards this beneficial partnership for Penang’s environmental education.
This initiative is brought to you by CLEAN International, and Intel Corporation, coordinated by WWP and in collaboration with PBAPP and GREW.
For more information, please contact Dr. Hong via email at hong.wwp@sheena