Date: 9 August 2019
School/organisation: Intel Micro-electronics Department
Venue/location: Penang Botanical Gardens
Total number of participants: 70 staffs

This year marked the first collaborative activity between Water Watch Penang and Intel Corporation. The river and water education activity took place at the Penang Botanical Gardens on the 9th of August 2019. Activities included were general talk about river and water issues in Penang and Malaysia followed by physical/chemical parameter assessment of the Waterfall River and biological assessment that involved ‘catch and release’ of river macro-invertebrate to determine the river quality. A total of 70 staffs from Intel Micro-electronics Department participated in this smart partnership activity led by the WWP President, Prof Dr Chan Ngai Weng and two three facilitators, Ms Phang Wai Leng, Ms Sim Lay Mei and See Too Cayleen.
Visit our Facebook page for more photos.